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​Full Package

Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! Full package wedding planning is a comprehensive service offered by professional wedding planners to help you organize and manage every aspect of your special day. This package is perfect for couples who want a stress-free experience and expert assistance throughout the entire wedding planning process.

Booking a full package  can save you time, reduce stress, and allow you to focus on enjoying your engagement and wedding journey. 

Partial Package

Partial planning  is a service offered  that focuses on specific aspects of your wedding rather than the entire event. It is an option for couples who want assistance with certain elements of their wedding but wish to handle other aspects themselves. This type of package allows you to customize the level of support you receive based on your needs and preferences

On the Day

Day-of coordination," also known as "wedding day coordination" or "day-of wedding planning," is a specific service offeredto ensure that everything runs smoothly on your wedding day. Contrary to its name, it involves more than just one day of work. The wedding planner typically starts coordinating with you in the weeks leading up to your wedding day to gather all the necessary information and details.

Private Parties



Christening, also known as baptism, is a significant religious ceremony for many Christian denominations. It is a joyous event that marks the initiation of a person into the Christian faith and is often celebrated with family and friends. Planning a christening involves several essential steps to ensure a meaningful and memorable celebration.

Bar Mitzvahs

Planning a Bar Mitzvah is a meaningful and joyous occasion in the Jewish tradition. A Bar Mitzvah marks the coming-of-age of a Jewish boy, typically at the age of 13, when he becomes responsible for observing Jewish commandments and is recognized as an adult in the eyes of the community.

Private Events

Planning private parties can be a fun and rewarding experience. Whether it's a birthday celebration, a graduation party, an anniversary, or any other special occasion,we are here to make your dreamscome true

Corporate Events



Corporate Parties

Employee Fun Days

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